who we are...
"...a captioning service that could do more than just put words on the screen."
NetCaptioning began in 2006. Most TVs were still 4x3 standard definition, YouTube was launched, and Google was still a noun.
Elliot Roberts was a project manager at CPC (Computer Prompting & and Captioning Company, makers of MacCaption and CaptionMaker software). The captioning and subtitling industry was still a light stream compared to deluge of activity that would come as a result of the conversion to digital television, Netflix, YouTube, and the vast expansion of broadcast channels that will be available.
Elliot wanted to use his technical knowledge and as well industry savviness to start a captioning service that could do more than just put words on the screen. He wanted to offer more than just service -- we wanted to offer solutions
Since 2006, NetCaptioning has offered their services to Netflix, iTunes, Amazon, Fox Sports, as well as some of the largest video distributors in the country. We work with a broad network of highly-qualified translators to offer cinema-quality foreign language subtitling. On top of this, we've developed workflows that allow us to offer the industry's lowest prices -- while not compromising our quality.
Customer Service Guarantee
We'll see you through to the end...
NetCaptioning is not simply an assembly line of captioning and subtitling.
We offer personal service to every one of our clients. We maintain a transparent, open line of communication at all times. We offer simple pricing so that our clients know what to expect and remain in budget.
No project is complete until our client is satisfied.